Disclaimer & Affiliate Disclosure

Thank you for visiting us! To comply with the affiliate disclosure requirements of our partners, and other regulators, and for maintaining a culture of transparency at skillsgear.com, this page is made available to inform our readers about our affiliate relationship with partners.

1.0 Periodically, we will review or mention products and services on this website offered by other providers.

2.0 We only bring the products and services we have used, or our industry partners have recommended, or industry experts have recommended, or a large number of end-users have expressed their satisfactory experience about the products and services.

3.0 Such products or services may offer an affiliate program and we may refer others to the product via an affiliate link, which means we may receive a commission or some form of compensation if users buy the products and services via the affiliate link we share.

4.0 The affiliate commission, if any, will be shared from seller revenue and will not incur any additional costs at the purchaser’s end.